Cover for Salt & Broom for Amazon Publishing
Art direction by Alison Impey
Cover Artwork for “Nightweaver” by R.M. Gray, published early 2024.
Art directed by Karina Granda for Little, Brown (Hachette)
Artwork for the paperback release of The Invocations, for Penguin Randomhouse
Art direction by Teresa Evangelista
Illustration created for The Folio Society Book Illustration Award contest, 2023.
Based on ‘The Fliers of Gy’ by Usrula K Leguin
Cover Artwork for “Starchaser” by R.M. Gray, set to be published fall 2025.
Art directed by Karina Granda for Little, Brown (Hachette)
Cover Artwork for ‘The Beasts We Bury’ by D.L. Taylor
Art direction and final color edits by Meg Sayre at Macmillan
Cover artwork for Alix' E. Harrow’s short story ‘The Knight and the Butcherbird’ for Amazon Original Stories.
Art direction by Tree Abraham at Amazon Publishing
Illustration for ‘Rough Pages’ by Lev A.C. Rosen, the third title in the Evander Mills series.
Published by Tor/Forge, art direction by Katie Klimowicz
Cover Artwork for the Evander Mills mystery novels by Lev Rosen.
Art directed by Katie Klimowicz for Tor/Forge (Lavender House, The Bell in the Fog, and Rough Pages) and David Rotstein (Mirage City) at Minotaur Books.
Cover artwork for “That Devil, Ambition” for HarperCollins
Art direction by Julia Tyler
Illustration for the cover of “Starlings” coming in June 2023 from Delacorte Press (Penguin Randomhouse).
Art direction by Trisha Previte
Cover artwork for “Bad Creek” by Peyton June, for W.W. Norton
Art direction by Hana Nakamura
Illustration for the paperback release of ‘The Shadow Sister’ by Lily Meade
Published by Sourcebooks, art direction by Erin Fitzsimmons
Cover artwork for “A Darker Mischief” for Scholastic Inc.
Art direction by Chris Stengel
Artwork for the cover of “Womb City” by Tlotlo Tsamaase tbr in Jan 2024.
Initially approved artwork in the first image and final cover with the added type in the second.
Art direction by Sarah Guan and Samira Iravani
Cover artwork for “Sleep Like Death” by Kalynn Bayron
Art direction by Donna and Jeanette at Bloomsbury Publishing
Cover and full wrap artwork for the US editions of Victor Dixen’s Vampyria Saga, “The Court of Shadows” and “The Court of Miracles” published by Amazon Publishing
Art direction by Jarrod
Cover and full wrap artwork for “Le Tombeau des Immortels” for Robert Laffont
Editorial illustrations done for InQueery
An article about pearl jewelry
2. An article about celebrating Beltane in Isolation
3. An article about queer flagging with chain jewelry
Illustration done for the cover of Little White Lies’s April/May ‘22 issue, focusing on Robert Eggers’s film ‘The Northman.’
Art direction by Laurène Boglio
Illustrations done for Politico Europe, print and web.
To accompany the article "Anne Hidalgo's Sack of Paris"
To accompany the article "Welcome to the Age of Unpeace"
To accompany the article "Europe Gives Biden a One Finger Salute"
AD Tim Ball
Illustrations for The New Republic for their Jan/Feb 2022 and Sep 2021 Issues, created to accompany articles about American General Smedley Butler’s complicated legacy and Justice Clarence Thomas’s shady ties to polluting corporations.
AD: Andy Omel
Digital paintings created for Babeland Toys.
Several of which have been used for window displays in all store locations in NYC (Soho, Lower East Side, Brooklyn), and Seattle.
Tarot Card piece has been admitted into Illustrators 61, the Society of Illustrators annual for excellence in advertising illustration.